It feels like... a doll's life...
a cracked face doll dressed beautifully with ribbons and all sitting in a little glass box.
the sad eyes behind the smile on her painted face, no one sees...
how cold and distant her viewers looked..
People are buzzing around and talking aimlessly...
No second glance to the doll that is placed in the middle on the ground.
people walk over or around it...
Hugs are unknown to the doll...
she continue to sit there looking out...
no one notices as she start to move to the end of the room...
some got angry as she nearly trip them..
and was kicked to the side...
pain strikes her...
tears left unseen...
she walks again...
with her little glass box over her...
it protects her from rain and storm...
but it prevents her from close contact with anyone...
just like life...
Doll's life...