Saturday, August 13, 2005 1:50 PM
hiyaz... it's been a really really long time since i've blogged huh. well, i got a new job at tanglin mall a couple of weeks ago. the staffs are alright, i guess. pooh may be joining me there too...yaz.. looking for another job too. not enough $. i wanna learn jap tooz... searching for a jap course.. 200bucks for 5mths not bad but somehow the dates for reg hav past. argh... after my pay has arrived den sayz..zzz o well that's all for now. oh ya, i wanna design some shirts too...lately there have been lots of ideas running about in my head...i guess when u have too much time this is the result huh... i been researching desserts as well... even breads. oh well...About Me